Institute For Training In Ministry (iTIM)
To equip the saints for the work of the ministry, for building up the body of Christ. (Ephesians 4:12)

Resources for Your Equipping Ministry
Are you looking for quality resources to “prepare God's people for works of service”? iTIM has 18 workbook courses that will help you equip your people both for ministry and to be involved in ministry as iTIM features a “head”, “heart”, and “hands” approach to learning:
- vital content
- life applications
- ministry involvement
iTIM will help your church grow because every iTIM learner is given a course-related practicum—thus equipping learners for ministry, as well as involving them in ministry.
Discipleship Track

Christianity 101 (12 lessons)
teaches the basics of the Christian faith, including conversion, baptism, and involvement in the life of the church.
Outcome: This course will equip learners to disciple others by leading others through Christianity 101.
Christianity 101 Youth Edition (12 lessons)
teaches the basics of the Christian faith, including conversion, baptism, and involvement in the life of the church.
Outcome: This course will equip learners to disciple others by leading others through Christianity 101.
A Panorama of the Bible (12 lessons)
is an overview of the entire Bible. It includes easy-to-remember visuals that enable learners to remember both the content, and the main message of the Bible.
Outcome: Learners are encouraged to teach this course to others.
Learning to Serve: Jesus as Role Model (12 lessons)
teaches the servant lifestyle of Jesus.
Outcome: This study will help learners put servant leadership into practice.
Church Ministry Track

Welcome to Your Ministry (12 lessons)
teaches learners that God has given all believers the title and the resources of a minister, and has called them to become involved in ministry in and through the church.
Outcome: Learners will be challenged to become good stewards of their time and talents and become better equipped to serve Christ.
How to Discover Your Spiritual Gifts (12 lessons)
is a study of the spiritual gifts taught in the New Testament.
Outcome: Learners will discover or become more confident of their own gifts, and how and where to use them in service for Christ.
Your Ministry of Prayer (12 lessons)
studies prayer in Scripture and will guide learners into a significant ministry of prayer.
Outcome: Learners will commit to a significant and ongoing ministry of prayer.
Outreach as a Life-style (12 lessons)
will train learners to develop friendships with people that will lead to sharing Christ with them.
Outcome: Learners will build this evangelism approach into their daily lives.
Your Ministry at Home (12 lessons)
provides practical principles in how to establish and maintain a Christian home.
Outcome: Learners will apply the principles within the learner's family, and lead others through this course.
Touching Tomorrow by Teaching Children (12 lessons)
will train workers to serve in the exciting and rewarding ministry of teaching children.
Outcome: Learners will apply the teachings of this course by teaching children in the Sunday School and in other teaching opportunities.
Christianity in the Workplace (12 lessons)
relates faith to practical and ethical issues on the job. It focuses on how to reflect Christ in the work world.
Outcome: Learners will apply these biblical principles to their areas of work.
Church Leadership Track

Truth That Transforms (12 lessons)
provides a solid foundation in the major Biblical doctrines, and emphasizes practical applications of these truths.
Outcome: Truth That Transforms is designed for personal study plus group interaction and application. It can also be used in personal study alone.
Equipping for Leadership (12 lessons)
will train for more effective leadership in the church, and elsewhere. Clyde McDowell, D.Min, was a former pastor and President of Denver Seminary.
Outcome: Equipping for Leadership is designed for personal study plus group interaction and application. It may also be used for personal study alone.
Bible Teaching Track

A Survey of the New Testament (24 lessons)
includes background information, the main idea of each book, an outline of each book, and questions of practical and spiritual value.
Outcome: Learners will learn how Old Testament books relate to the New Testament, and will be enabled to lead Bible studies in any Old Testament book.
A Survey of the Old Testament (24 lessons)
includes background information, the main idea of each book, an outline of each book, and questions of practical and spiritual value.
Outcome: Learners will learn how Old Testament books relate to the New Testament, and will be enabled to lead Bible studies in any Old Testament book.
How to Study the Bible (24 lessons)
will give learners an in-depth exposure to the inductive method of Bible study and will enable them to develop their own lesson outlines for preaching, or for leading Bible studies.
Outcome: Learners will, based on their own inductive study during the course, lead 10 Bible studies
Pastoral Ministry Track

Preparing to Preach (12 lessons)
teaches and illustrates the elements of a sermon, and helps learners develop (and preach) their own sermon from each of these three types.
Outcome: Learners will complete three sermon outlines, and preach one sermon from each: topical, textual, and expository.
A Panorama of Christian History (12 lessons)
provides a “big picture” view of the Church, from the 1st through the 20th century. It also emphasizes practical lessons that can be applied to one's own ministry.
Outcome: Learners will be challenged to teach this course to another person or group.
Contending for the Faith (12 lessons)
is apologetics in action.
Outcome: Learners will be enabled to defend their faith in an intellectual world, and lead non-believers to faith in Christ.